join our ministries

Men’s Ministry

The men’s ministry meets the first Saturday of each month. This is a time for eating and fellowship with one another.

Women’s Ministry

The women’s ministry meets for a weekly bible study on Sunday afternoons at 3:30. We spend time together studying God’s word and growing in support with one another.

Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry meets on Wednesday night for 7th -12th graders. We meet in the Youth Room from 6-7:30 PM. Our service features times of games, worship, and preaching. We’d love for you to come and join us on Wednesday nights! We also have Sunday School from 10-11 AM on Sunday mornings!

Children’s Ministry

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 for Sunday School. Your children will learn to see how the truths found in the Bible can apply to their lives.

During the school year, from 6:00-7:30 on Wednesday nights, AWANA meets for ages 3 years old (by August 15) - through 6th Grade. Through AWANA, your children will commit Scripture to memory as they work through their handbooks each week. A typical AWANA night consists of Handbook Time, Large Group Time, and Game Time.